Friday, August 31, 2007


Welcome to a new start in correcting your cats bad litterbox habits! I am hoping to help you and your cat stay together, with some tried and true tips and tricks. This post is a test of the emergency stop cat peeing broadcast system.


Laura said...

What a great have your own place to express your self and interests.

Cat pee isn't an interest of mine but a reality none the less. I have the Bengal bug too and haven't yet given up totally on breeding. Having intact males and females is a venture on the wild side for sure! I guess my problem is more about marking territory than not using a litter box. There's a definite difference between the two. I had an old lady cat who began peeing around the house. I thought it was her just getting old. I confined her and after a month or two it suddenly dawned on me that I never considered that she might have a UTI. I self medicated her with amoxicillin and lo and behold I was able to give her free reign of the house again. I really hate confining my cats unless I have to. Unfortunately most of my cats just don't get along so I have numerous rotations in and out of cages to allow everyone time out to get exercise.

This has been fun. Hope you continue to blog along in the future and invite others to join in too. Laura

Larry and Tracy said...

I used to breed and show Bengals so yup I know all about the marking territory thing. I didn't like to cage either, but when it became just too much, we built very large pens and housed the studs there and in heat females. The pregnant, nursing, and kittens were allowed to be out and about (except when they were very tiny). Now I am in rescue, I find that even altered cats (not just bengals) are surrendered all the time for either not using the box, or marking. Most we can thankfully troubleshoot and alter the behavior--its pretty rare that we can't.
Tracy and Larry